Seven projects participate in the Business Accelerator that Andalucía Emprende

The mayor of Torremolinos, José Ortiz, and the director of the Foundation, Montserrat Reyes, have met with the members of the first CelerAEmprende promotion, a program that has just been launched and lasts for six months. The Foundation launched in June the call for applications to enter into entrepreneurial projects that wish to be eligible for accommodation and receive the support of that foundation for their business training. Of the 19 nominations submitted, seven were finally selected, and since September 14 they have attended different workshops and mentoring sessions, which will end with the possibility of participating in an investment forum.
Integral area of entrepreneurship
The Mayor expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge, through the director of Andalusia Emprende, for the support in the implementation of this Business Accelerator “with which we complete the integral area of entrepreneurship” that makes up together with the coworking space inaugurated by the EOI in November 2016 and the CADE offices, both in the congress center itself.
Ortiz has alluded to the opportunity for entrepreneurs to have services that encompass all steps for the implementation of their business idea, make it grow to a ‘startup’ and finally mature and consolidate the project. “We intend to create entrepreneurship and at the same time enhance the talent that will help us revalue the figure and potential of a tourist municipality, such as Torremolinos, when diversifying and complementing tourism products and services,” he said in reference to business projects in progress.
Pioneering accelerator
For its part, the director of Andalusia Emprende recalled the pioneering nature of this Business Accelerator, the first public character in Andalusia. “It is a pilot project for all, which conveys very good feelings and we hope to see results.” “We are humble at the time of starting but serious to consolidate”, has emphasized the allusion to this new program that is incorporated into the catalog of support services for entrepreneurship provided by the Junta de Andalucía.
Reyes has stressed that, although located in Torremolinos, the Accelerator has a regional scope and that in its successive calls it intends to incorporate companies from other provinces with innovation projects and technologies applied to tourism, a process for which formulas for scholarships are being studied or the stay of its promoters. The undisputed tourist component of Torremolinos – leader of the Costa del Sol -, its historical role and the firm commitment made by the government team and the mayor, José Ortiz, for the venture make this municipality the ideal location for this Accelerator. “It is not easy to find a government team and a mayor who, being tourism leaders, want to advance in this leadership through tourism innovation”, he assured.
Selection criteria
The Accelerator of Torremolinos has enabled seven workspaces as a coworking to favor the synergies between the projects and the collaborative work. In all cases, the selected projects meet the criteria of being innovative by the activity, by the process management model, by the product, by the market approach or by the application of specialized and / or technological knowledge, mainly in the industries of the tourism sector; for its economic-financial viability and quality, the capacity to generate employment: quantity, quality and stability of employment; market development and growth potential; the level of business experience and involvement of the management team and the possibility of creating synergies with other projects / companies housed in the Accelerator, required in the call.
The projects that are part of this first promotion of the CelerAEmprende program, are the titled ‘Jeddins’, by Juan Vézquez Mateos, focused on consultancy work in the preparation of strategic planning of tourism companies, in order to develop and improve tourism products for companies in the sector; ‘Le Petit Pol’, by Marta Perez Sola, aimed at the design, production and sale of kitchenware and complements in a completely handmade way with multi-colored polymer clay. The value proposition is to offer customers
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